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Rating: Not Rated Yet Manufacturer: SecurScan

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- Sniffer detector of explosives
- Identify vapors and particles
- Simple and immediate use
- Connectable to PC and Smartphone

M-ION is a highly sensitive portable sniffer that identifies and identifies even the smallest explosive trace.
Excellent for checking baggage and bags in airports, courts, barracks and any place potentially at risk, it guarantees operations without false alarms even in extremely dusty or humid environments.
Very simple to use, it does not require the use of expensive consumables, as well as saving the results of over 100,000 analyzes in its internal memory.
Connectable to external computers, tablets, smartphones via wireless or cable.

Technical specifications
- Contains no internal radiation source
- Low operating costs, no consumables are required
- Identify vapors and particles
- Simple to use
- Immediacy in use
- Remote control and self-diagnosis function

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