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SecurSCAN Shoes Scanner

Rating: Not Rated Yet Manufacturer: SecurScan

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SecurSCAN Shoes Scanner

X-rays to control people.
Ensure security at airports is not just check the hand luggage. With SecurSCAN Shoes Scanner can carry out checks on passengers' shoes, where it is easy to hide bomblets plastic explosives, and then to bring them on board.
The lack of a tool like SecurSCAN Shoes Scabber imply control of the shoes of passengers only making them take off. This operation is clearly uncomfortable and long, both for passengers and for the safety of personnel ..

Technical specifications
Inspects passengers' shoes without removing them.
Scans the shoes and the lower leg.

Recognizes: • all types of weapons (guns, knives, bombs etc.) Made of metal, ceramic, plastic, wood and other materials
• matriali explosives, bomb components, detonators and wires
• drug eggs in the stomach
• Precious metals and stones
• chemical and biological agents in containers
• any object used as a weapon or illegal, dangerous, prohibited

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