LA METALDETECTOR ITALIA (Metal detector One) ha cessato le attività di vendita dal 31/12/2024.
Nexusmetal detectors andplates IMPORTANT: THE ITEMS IN THIS CATEGORY THAT HAVE NO PRICE ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Metal detectors andplatesNexuswith over 15designforthemarket in 2004bestmetal detectorwiththe standard if,nownowthe new series,with about5 timesofincreasedtension ontrasmettiorethan standardif......and'born on theMKIIstandard,with thesemetalyouhave togo overall the placesalready'previouslydone,the power andtechnology ofthenexusit soon becomes clearby looking at thevideoteststhat areon youtubeofmkIIstandard, i thinkddm,belief andbonanza,complete with all thenecessary fieldsto addresscommandsat peak performanceall kinds ofresearch andground,the coilin a specialfiberglassandergonomiclightweightand wellbalanced,are usedwhereverthebestperformance.