HEADPHONES WS5 Deus XPlorerNEW WIRELESS HEADPHONES WS5 FOR METAL DETECTOR XP Deus FOLDINGWireless headphones XPlorer WS5 for Deus metal detectorCompletely waterproof and folding. In the absence of the remote control, the deus can work only with headphones WS5 thanks to built-in controls.Adjustable functions from headphones XP WS5• Discrimination• Sensitivity• Ground Balance• 4 Multi tones + Pitch• 4 frequencies (4 kHz, 8 kHz, 12 kHz, 18 kHz)• 9 pre-set programs• Volume• Destination ID• Change the search coil STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS• Wireless• Setting controls• Leaflets and ergonomic• Weather resistant• Larger screen than the model WS4• Lithium long life (approximately 27 hours autonomy)• Quick charge USB: 2 hours• Low Battery of headphones and plate• Reduced weight: 220 g.
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