LA METALDETECTOR ITALIA (Metal detector One) ha cessato le attività di vendita dal 31/12/2024.
PlayingEtruscanartandantique vases IMPORTANT: THE ITEMS IN THIS CATEGORY THAT HAVE NO PRICE ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE. These vesselsfor sale areartistic reproductionsterracottaof various shapesand types.Thesereproductions aremadeentirely by hand,turned,graphiteorpaintedby the likes ofLazio,cradle of civilizationwherethe originalswere found.Theseimitationsarealsocooked intwice withancient techniquesthatthe masterspottersof the placehave managed todiscoverafter manyattempts to reproducethesevessels. They arealsocoatedhandartificiallyto give the effectof "old"object, decorationsalthoughimitate theoriginals of thevases foundinEtruscan tombsof Cerveteri,are the resultof thework andtalentof eachmaster potter,and each workisunique anddifferent.