RAVIVOR, Protects, Revives and Restores Brightness Over detector
RAVIVOR, double action protection, can be applied with a brush on coins or objects in very small quantities.
To apply this oil, simply spread it well and let it dry and then rub with a microfibre cloth to give a new shine to your objects or coins.
Surfaces must be dry, clean, free of dust. Apply with a brush or a well-soaked cotton cloth.
To clean: leave to act for 3 minutes or more depending on conditions, brush and dry well with a microfibre cloth.
To revive: spread, let dry 10 to 20 minutes and remove excess with a cotton cloth.
Restores, revives and restores shine
Do not smoke during use.
The use of gloves and protective glasses is recommended.
Store away from heat sources
Warning: Flammable product. Keep out of reach of children.
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