PRO-ALLOYGoldPurityTesteris the tool thatallows you to measurethe purity of goldin a simple wayto testforgold andplatinum.
Withthe PRO-ALLOYtestersshould notuse dangerousacids andshould notscrapethe object with therisk of damage toits intrinsic value.
Just place the objecton the testplate,touching it withtheprobe connected,and determinethe purity of goldfromeasyreading scale. PRO-ALLOYis battery powered,soit can be usedin every placeandat every opportunity.
Features: •Readingcaratinstant •Fast and accurate •Nondestructive •Protective case included •Battery included(1xAA)
Includes: •PRO-meterALLOY Set •probes •1xAA battery •protective cover •Soft Case •themulti-languageuser manual