ResearchLabmodelcoilCorsFire •black and graycolor •Size15"(38cm) •Weight720g(25.3oz) • Shape:Double D • Waterproof •Cover coilsupplied •Compatible withmetal detectorbrandWhite'sPrizmmodels3,4,5,6 andCoinmaster
It increases the performancein thesearch depthof 35%and50%ground coverwith respect to thestandard searchcoils Searchcoilindicatedfordeepsearches.excellent performancein a salty environmentwithmediumand high concentrations. Excellentto detectlargetargets,but alsosmall in size. We recommend the useof this platein the great outdoors. The coilis fullyimmersiblein water, his bodyis protected bya resinof the type usedfor boatsand can be usedwithoutprejudice tothe cover coil.