In search of thetreasureof the Templarswith metal detector
In search of thetreasureof the Templarswith metal detectorEngelKillian(55pages)
EngelKillianrecounts hissearch for the treasure, which lastedmore thantwenty years, whichwas foundedby threegreat passions:the historyof the Templars,themetal detectingandmedievalnumismatics.Researcherand collector oftestimoniesof the Order ofthe Knightsof the time,has for years beenon the trail oftheir treasure.This shortbookis written forenthusiastssearchwitha metal detector,for collectors ofmedieval coinsin thetwelfth and thirteenth centuries, andfor fans ofTemplarhistory.A story thatbecomesmyth andlegend,madeof treasure andadventure travel.Allphotographed objectsdate back to thetime whenthey actedthe KnightsTemplar(1118-1314)so as to createan essentialcatalog ofmedieval coinscirculatingin Europeand the MiddleEast in thetwelfth and thirteenth centuries.