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Hunting for meteorites

Rating: Not Rated Yet Manufacturer: Metal detector one

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Hunting for meteorites

Hunting for meteorites Matthew Chinellato
Ed. SciBooks
• Format: illustrated, paperback
• 156 pages
• 40 color figures

A fascinating journey into the world of stones falling from the sky.

A manual that explains how to become a meteorite hunter with a metal detector, written by a real expert in the field: Matthew Chinellato, the elder hunter and Italian collector of meteorites.

For many years now it collects meteorites from around the world and is the only one in Italy to have the complete collection of all Martian meteorites recovered by private researchers.

With this book Chinellato wants to convey to the reader his experience accumulated in this field, unknown to the public.

As you become hunters of meteorites? What do you need to get started? As you may recognize meteorites, what to do when you discover one? And as you can pick up "micrometeorites" tiny falling in the garden of our house?

In a clear and simple way, the author reveals some of the secrets of a hobby that sometimes can even become a profession.

This is complemented by numerous cosmic curiosity about the origin of meteorites and the most famous objects falling or discovered over the centuries in Italy and abroad.

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